End to End Testing of Angular Apps


  1. Install Protractor
  2. Read the documenation above!!!
  3. Git your local development env (Fig) up and running before running any test
  4. Some of the the tests (i.e. admissions), require that you have multi-tenant set up on your local machine, see the notes here about getting multi-tenant supported on your local machine.

Running a test:

  1. Navigage to the static_files/app/tests dir
  2. Start webDriver server:

    webdriver-manager start

  3. Run the tests with protractor:

    protractor conf.js

  4. Optionally run a particular test suite:

    protractor conf.js --suite admissions


rootElement : This will probably be deprecated soon, pending a re-write of the angular app. For pages without a "ng-view" you have to specify a root element