
Schooldriver is not yet stable. We're hoping to make a stable official release in Feb 2015. Right now git master is as stable as it gets. We recommend paying for hosting if you need stability.


We highly suggest using Docker which takes care of most requirements. Schooldriver is a large application and we do not support using alternative versions of Django and other libraries. However it should be possible to run as a typical django app without Docker. Check out *requirements.txt for specific requirements.

You need:

  • PostgreSQL with hstore enabled (We don't suggest using postgres in docker in production environments) MySQL is not supported.
  • Ram depends on the number of users. You probably need at least 1GB. 2GB is recommended for more than 400 users.

Running Schooldriver with Docker in production



  1. Linux machine or VM that can run Docker. We use Digital Ocean, consider using this referral link.
  2. PostgresSQL, docker, and fig on your host(s).
  3. Basic knowledge of Docker, Django, Linux, and nginx or other web server. You should know how to run a basic django app. If not, I highly recommend paying for hosted.


  1. git clone The master branch is always our latest stable. See the develop branch for bleeding edge.
  2. Copy fig-production.yml.example to fig-production-yml or other desired location.
  3. Edit fig-production.yml and set environment variables for PostgresSQL, email, and any further customizations. For a full list of environment variables see
  4. fig run --rm web ./ migrate
  5. fig run --rm web ./ collectstatic
  6. (optional) fig run --rm web ./ populate_sample_data This creates a super user/password of aa/aa for convenience.
  7. Run docker via fig fig -f up. Obviously you can run the docker images in many other ways. Learn more about how we do it here.
  8. It should now be running on port 8000. Consider changing the port in fig-production.yml, using nginx as a proxy, and using SSL with nginx. We also recommend not storing media or static files in docker even though fig does support persistence. Use S3 or mount a volume for media. To use S3 just set the related variables as defined in

Running Schooldriver without Docker.

Not recommended

  1. Base system must be Ubuntu 12.04 in order to use libreoffice document conversion. 14.04 does not support python-uno with python2.
  2. Do everything in Dockerfile
  3. Set up environment variables or extend settings directly by editing /django-sis/
  4. Make sure to set up Redis and PostgresSQL.
  5. Run Celery worker(s)
  6. Deploy with your favorite web server. See for an example.


  1. git pull origin master to get the latest code
  2. fig build to build any new requirements
  3. fig run --rm web ./ migrate to migrate the database
  4. fig run --rm web ./ collectstatic to update static files
  5. Restart fig/docker or your web server/celery if using such.