Course Grades

Each course section enrollment should have an average (final) grade based on particular marking period grades.

Time and averages

A student could have multiple marking period grades for a course. One might ask what is the grade at time x? Or what if the student had a grade for a partially completed marking period.

Student Reports uses this concept often. The End Date provided will be used when determining course averages.

See test_course_average_respect_time unit test.

Let mp1 start_date=2014-07-1 and end_date=2014-9-1 Let mp2 start_date=2014-9-2 and end_date=2015-3-1 Let mp1 grade = 50 Let mp2 grade = 100

For date 2099-1-1 the grade should be 75. For date 2014-10-1 the grade should be 50 because mp2 has not ended yet and credit is not yet earned.