
Converting numberic grades to letter (A, B, C...) and other non linear number scales (4.0)


Number grades, often out of 100 or 4.0, are typically what teachers work with day to day. It is desired to display these grade results in an alternative scale representation defined by a range of two numbers. For example 93-100 would be an A or a 4.0.

Grade scales are set per year. GradeScale model

Rounding and grade scales


Let grade one be 75.49 and grade two be 77.50. The average would be 76.495. Let our grade scale ranges be 72.50 to 76.49 = C and 76.50 to 79.49 = C+. 76.495 is technically inbetween the two scales - falling on no scale at all. To solve this and present a non absurd answer - the grade will be averaged to the number of significant digits the numeric grades are in. Grades are stored in Decimal(5,2) so our result would be averaged to 76.50 and thus result in an C+.